Body of wine with body of food

In addition to the two major wine and food pairing rules above, there are other guidelines that you may want to keep in mind:

3) Pair the weight (light, heavy) of the food with the body (light, heavy) of the wine

While some experts would tell you that this is the primary rule for wine and food pairing, it is not quite as important as matching the acidity levels of wine and food. The reason for this is because mouth balance is more influenced by the balance in acid, tannins, sugar, alcohol, and bitterness than it is by the weight of the wine. 

Most experts do not recognize that the primary reason to worry about wine and food pairing is to make the wine taste better, i.e., bring it into balance for your tastes, than it is to make the food taste better. If it makes the food taste better, fine! But 9 times out of 10 it makes the wine taste better.

That being said, matching the weight of the wine and food is still important; or at least not detracting by mismatching the weights.

Light Food/ light wine – OK