Low alcohol with spicy hot

4) Low alcohol wines pair better with spicy foods. High alcohol wines taste worse with spicy foods

Alcohol extracts and accentuates the burn of capsaicin oil that causes food to be spicy hot. For this reason, beer at alcohol levels of 5-7% tends to go better with hot, spicy foods than most wines. A low alcohol Moscato d’ Asti can counterbalance spiciness like a curry or stir fry. A low alcohol (12% or below) Riesling even without residual sweetness would match spicy Asian dishes or Latin American dishes much better than a spicy Syrah at 14-15% alcohol. 

So do not pair a high alcohol wine with a spicy dish unless you want your mouth to taste even “hotter”. It will ruin the taste of the wine.

Low alcohol wine or beer for hot pepper foods