Pair acid with acid

With the above prerequisite conditions in mind, here are some guidelines for wine and food pairing:

1) Pair acidic dishes with an acidic wine because the acid in the food lowers the perception of acid in the wine, i.e., brings it more in balance. 

If you have a tart dish such as broiled fish with squeezed lemon juice on it or a salad with a vinegary dressing with no sweetness to balance, it is better to pair that dish with one of the more acidic wines. There are two reasons for this. The acid level in the wine brings the acidic food more into balance. Secondly, the acid in the dish cuts the perception of high acid in the wine;  it actually accustoms your taste buds to acid so the wine itself is brought more into balance. A low acid wine will seem flat or flabby.

Acidy in food prepares the mouth for acidity in wine