Wines on the menu

The most common white wines available on restaurant lists are:

Chardonnay (SHARD ohn  NAY)
Sauvignon Blanc  (SOH-vihn-yohn BLAHNC)
Riesling (REEZ ling)
Pinot Grigio (PEE-noh GREE-zee-oh)
White Zinfandel (white ZIN fahn dell)

Common red wines include:

Merlot (mehr LOW)
Pinot Noir (PEE-noh NWAHR)
Cabernet Sauvignon (CAB behr NAY SOH-vihn-YOHN)
Shiraz (cher-RAHZ) or Syrah (see-RAH )
Chianti (key YAHN tay)/ Sangiovese (sahn gee oh VAY say)

Do you know what these taste like and what foods they might go with?

I know those wines!