10) Do not pair a high alcohol wine with highly spicy dishes.
Wines at >=14% alcohol content clash with spicy dishes. A hot, 15% Zinfandel should never be consumed with spicy, hot barbecue or Buffalo hot wings.
11) Do not pair fruity wines with oily fish.
Oily fish such as tuna, sardine, salmon, trout, anchovy, and mackerel will make fruit flavors in wine taste strange. Not sure why, but they do.
12) With bitter, oxalic acid vegetables, avoid wines with residual sugar or that are heavily oaked.
Bitter oxalic vegetables are difficult to pair with wines in any case. Brussel sprouts, asparagus, spinach, greens, and artichokes seem more bitter with many wines. Unoaked, herbal whites and light reds seem to be less of a problem.