Sparkling Wines
There are different corks on sparkling wines and a wire cage to hold the cork in against the high pressure from the dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) in the bottle.
A larger cork that fits tighter is used with a wire cage that holds the cork tightly in the neck so it does not inadvertently explode from the bottle. In fact, on occasion, some guests have been hurt and walls and ceilings damaged by corks released while opening a sparkling wine bottle because of the pressure the cork is under.
It takes six counterclockwise turns to remove the cage from the cork.

When removing the cage over the cork, keep your hand over both so that if the cork shoots out, no one gets hurt.
Then hold the cork still and slowly twist the bottle to gently ease the cork out of the bottle.
The softer the “pop” of the cork is, the better you did your job.